Whether we are developing a website or creating marketing content, SEO is a part of everything we do. Your site needs to be functional and easy to navigate, but it also needs to attract the right web traffic. That means paying attention to the details to create a website that consumers love and search engines can find.

Improving the SEO ranking for your online store can take months or even years without professional help. That’s why we developed our exclusive SEO Kickstart package. It includes everything you need to get through Google’s probationary period as quickly as possible and to get your site noticed. It’s all about driving traffic to your site and creating engaging content that keeps site visitors glued to the page. That lets Google know you’re a site to be trusted and it turns that trickle of web traffic into a flood.

A lot of market research goes into selecting the right keywords for your business to target. Then we gather all of the vital metrics and go over them with a fine-toothed comb to optimize your keywords. It’s all about finding the keywords your competitors didn’t and ranking higher for the ones they did. Our properly coded websites give you the solid foundation to build SEO campaigns upon.

We’re not just SEO experts, but we’re also trainers. We show your company the ropes so once the kickstart program ends you can continue to maintain your search engine ranking. Plus, we offer the content you need to provide consumers with a steady supply of material to come back to again and again. From page titles and descriptions to HTML tags and META data, we help to ensure that your website has all the makings of a front-page ranking site.